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Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

Original Worlds  

Mundos Originales

Program of Original Worlds - Mundos Originales is achieved through Expeditions consisting of a small group of travellers who experience the multidiversity and multiculture of these chosen latinamerican countries, beside that, to live and share the life of indigenous families and getting know the daily life of other ethnic groups. There is a possibility to be part at least shortly of their daily life and observe their daily routine, work, habits, beliefs, gastronomy, nature and cosmovision.



The purpose of these 3-week long expeditions is exploring the countryside and learning about medicinal plants, local flora and fauna and get know diversity of ecosystems, especially the natural treasures of each specific region and country.

to familiarize oneself with the present daily life of indigenous families & Mestic people and their specific ethnic culture and their cosmology, is another aspect of the programme.

The aim of every expedition

The aim of every expedition

is the recognition

is the recognition

of the local culture

of the local culture

in its closer

in its closer

and wider context

and wider context

and especially

and especially



and EXPERIENCE local

and EXPERIENCE local



The Expeditions are

The Expeditions are

currently heading for

currently heading for

Ecuador & Colombia

Ecuador & Colombia

Discover it!

Discover it!

OW - MO was created at the beginning as a pilot project for those who are in search of a unique life experience and the authenticity of present-day indigenous and mestic culture in Latin America.  The culture modifies so fast and varies quite a lot in different places even within one country. Some of these indigenous peoples are trying hard to preserve their ancestral, millennial culture and knowledge, which are closely linked to Nature.



The world of indigenous people is based on the recognition and symbiosis of their natural environment and land, which they have inhabited. Their  awareness of where they belong and where they come from was high. Since then, things have changed and many customs and traditions have been either forgotten, abandoned or simply disappeared and confusion is playing big role in orientating themselves in present world.


These are not touristic attractions, but authentic stays and cohabitation experiences with indigenous families, meeting native mestic people, getting to know their daily lifestyle, and discovering Natural treasures.

One major concern is the cultural assimilation process, and more in particular the fact that indigenous families themselves are willing to change their traditional way of living in Latin America to the capitalistic and globalized contemporary culture. Faced with the advent of new technologies and material promises, they tend to give up their traditional ways of living, thus losing touch with their culture, ancestral habits and their meaning.




This aim of this project, which we intend to develop further in the next few years, is to work directly with indigenous families or small communities who support such project in order to protect their traditional ways and customs. Welcoming small groups of travellers can achieve this in a sustainable manner. Travellers are informed about the current situation in every indigenous family or community before they are selected to join the Expedition. 




ORIGINAL WORLDS - is open to receive Clients - travellers  & SUPPORT that will be deployed directly by each project to the family or community of indigenous people


Monika Miholova 


I have had this great opportunity to live during short and long periods with indigenous families and get a real insight into their culture, beliefs, and problems which they are facing on a daily basis. Sharing the daily life of indigenous families was made possible by frequent visits and by building trust between both sides. 

Javier Gallego


I am an artist who loves bicycles and trekking and by work in the conservation of the unique ecosystems of Colombia, I have been able to discover its imposing mountains, its mysterious and unfathomable moors as well as its valleys full of color and most importantly its people, simple but proud to work the land and carve out the future with their own hands.

Original Worlds

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